How to Enhance Video Quality without using AI Tools?

                         How to Enhance Video Quality without using AI Tools?

Summary: You don’t need to always use an AI tool to enhance a video’s quality. Simple pre and post-processing techniques can bring you the best results. Use proper lighting and adjust device to capture a high-quality video. You can also use any video editing software to enhance the video quality.

According to a survey conducted by Verizon Digital Media, globally, the time spent on viewing video fell by 77% when the quality dropped. This simply means that a lower-quality video significantly drops viewer engagement and watch time.

Stunning and high-quality videos give the viewer the first impression of any video content, be it movies, ads, music videos, etc. It also impacts viewers’ experience and makes your video stand out. These high-quality videos are more detailed and cinematic.

Fortunately, there are two ways to enhance video quality: one by using photo-editing tools and second with the help of AI enhancer tools in post-production. Most people nowadays are inclining toward AI tools for enhancing the quality of their video to save time.

However, videos enhanced with AI sometimes turn out over-edited looking unrealistic or unnatural. Moreover, these AI tools may not always accurately understand the viewer’s preference.

Using conventional post-processing methods, you can bring out the best video quality on your own. Read this blog to learn how to enhance video quality without using AI tools.

How to Enhance Video Quality Before Shooting?

These tips will help you enhance the video quality while shooting itself:

Ensure proper lighting

Ensure you have proper light while filming, as you don’t want your video to look dark. If you’re filming in the natural light, ensure to shoot the video in the morning or evening when the light is soft. If you are filming in the afternoon, try to find a shady area so the straight sun cannot cast harsh shadows.

While shooting indoors, you need to know what type of light you want to use and where to place it to get a perfect video.

Carefully consider the set

Be very careful while choosing the background for filming. No one likes messy or distracting backgrounds as they don’t look professional and can cast shadows.

Don’t shoot the video with a window or any reflective surface in the background, as you can see the camera in the reflection.

Shoot from a variety of angles

You must shoot a video from more than one angle to enhance the perspective, the narrative, and the overall mood of the video. Experimenting with camera angles during filming will cover different perspectives of the scene and tell the complete story.

Use a high-quality camera

Another tip to ensure video quality is to use a high-quality camera.

You can adjust your mobile phone’s or professional camera’s settings to capture higher-quality video. If you’re using a mobile, go to the settings in your camera app. In a professional camera, check the settings of shutter speed settings. To prevent your videos from becoming blurry, ensure that the camera’s shutter speed should be double the frame rate.

How to Enhance Video Quality in Post-Production?

Use any video editor, like Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe Express, etc., to edit the video in post-production. However, keep these tips in mind while editing the video.

Resize, rotate and crop the video clip

Make sure that all the clips in a video are of the same size; if it is not, then resize or rotate the clip to maintain uniformity. Moreover, crop the unnecessary distraction in the video frame. Don’t crop too much, as a cropped clip will lose resolution and appear blurry in the final video.

Moreover, don’t include shaky footage in your video, as it can reduce the audience’s interest.

Fine-tune the brightness and contrast

Experiment with the brightness and contrast to ensure you don’t miss out on important details of your video. Ensure that your video is not overexposed or underexposed; play carefully around these settings to strike the perfect balance. Overexposure can lead to loss of highlights, making bright areas of the video appear washed out, whereas underexposure can create shadows, making the video look dark.

Moreover, adjust the contrast of the video properly to make a clear distinction between dark and light areas of your video. Low contrast in the video creates a subtle or softer mood, while high contrast makes color pop in the video. Fine-tune contrast and brightness in the video with precision to enhance the video-quality.

Remove background noise

Background noise in a video makes it look unprofessional and spoils its essence. Remove background noises such as rain, traffic sounds, humming sounds from air conditioning, a ticking clock, and more from the video.

Add transitions, graphics, and titles

After adjusting the noise of your video, add finishing touches to it before saving. Add some transitions between the video clips to smoothen the jump from one clip to the next. You can even add automatically generated captions to make it easy to understand. Add graphics like images, logos, or symbols to add visual interest or meaning to your video.

Export the video

Once the editing is complete, decide where the final video will go live. If it goes on YouTube, you can reduce the video resolution to 1080 pixels; if it goes on Instagram or other social media, reduce it to 720 pixels. Moreover, you can export your video in cinema-quality file formats: AVI, MP4, MOV, WMV, and others.

What to do if your exported video is corrupted and won’t play?

Video files can get corrupted due to forced conversion to another format, incorrect editing, file header corruption, incomplete transfer, etc. Moreover, if the video export process is not completed due to a sudden system shutdown or power outage, your video can get corrupted. In such a scenario, use professional video repair software like Raminfotech Repair for Video to fix corrupted videos of any file format. It can even resolve corruption in the header, video frames, video slider, etc.


Whether you are a professional videographer or video 



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